Pilates as a means of increasing student interest in the formation of a culture of health

  • Kaerova E.V.

    Pacific State Medical University
    Vladivostok. Russia

  • Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


The article presents effective ways of healing and physical development, growing the interest of future specialists in a healthy lifestyle through the introduction of fitness technologies in the system of physical education, the formation of a culture of health.

It is known that one of the main tasks of physical education in a higher educational institution is the formation of competencies in order to use the means of physical culture to promote health, enhance and maintain at optimal level physical and mental performance, psychomotor skills. Throughout the training period during the educational program, it is crucial to grow the physical skills. Unfortunately, as the authors note in the course of this study, a significant part of modern youth displays a low level of literacy in matters of health saving. The conducted experiment shows that fitness is the most desirable form of physical education activities among female students.

Pilates is one of the varieties of fitness training. The authors believe that Pilates, as one of the forms of fitness, positively affects the functional state and productivity of the students assigned to the special training groups. Pilates exercises are aimed at increasing strength endurance, develop flexibility and mobility of joints, and the use of a special breathing techniques contribute to the enhancement of functional fitness. The authors state that the Pilates system put a great focus on the development of strength and flexibility which importance could not be overemphasized for the health.

Study of the specialized literature, personal teaching experience, as well as the analysis of the existing teaching methods brings the authors to the conclusion that a Pilates is the most effective area of recreational physical culture, which has a high degree of influence on the physical abilities of those involved, contributing to physical development and improving the health of students.

The article notes that during the Pilates exercises, much attention is paid to visualization, which contributes to the correctness of the performance of the exercises and speeds up the learning process. According to the Pilates method, as the authors highlight, a personal growth of the human being concludes of carrying a right lifestyle, which can be achieved only through the balance of physical, mental and spiritual qualities of a person.

Keywords: fitness technology, physical training, pilates, lifestyle, health, culture, fitness.